We always stay on
the cutting edge of Technology

At Cine Vaults, we are a passionate team of professionals dedicated to providing exceptional Data solutions and virtual production tailored to meet your project needs. With decades of experience in the industry, we have accumulated the skills and expertise to deliver top-notch services that are safe, secure and efficient.

  • Mision

    We strive to become the leading force behind the technological transformation and empower creators to bring their beautiful visions to life. We aim to unlock the full potential of Data Management and Virtual Production, making it easily accessible, secure, and efficient. Together, with our clients and partners, we will build a future where data is the fuel that propels the next generation. Through innovation, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment for a safe and secure process. Cine Vaults will shape the future of data-driven virtual production, opening up infinite possibilities for industries and individuals.

  • Vision

    We are on a mission to empower Cinematographers with innovative and cutting edge technology solutions that streamline operations and boost efficiency. We use advanced technologies to create seamless and scalable IT infrastructures that pave the way for your project's success.

Our Team

The People Behind Our Success


Film Enthusiast

Vivek Kandaswamy

Virtual Production Specialist


DIT - Digital Imaging Technician


Tech Enthusiast